For the Love of Crystals


ou may have noticed that in all my posts I wear jewellery.  So you may have figured that “I LOVE JEWELLERY”.

What you may not know is that “I LOVE CRYSTALS”.  I have many crystals of all sizes throughout my house.  I love crystals  for their healing power and their ability to bring balance.  Many people also use crystals to aid their meditation.  The thing I love most of all, however, is what crystals represent.  Crystals are rocks that have transcended their physical form and have become something quite beautiful. Everyone is attracted to gemstones and I believe this is the reason.

Tania’s Textbook is a journey through every day life where we can change our reactions and thoughts to our stressors and focus on “being”.  Our ultimate goal is like the crystal- to transcend our form and become something very beautiful.

So it was love at first sight when I saw the creations by British Jewellery GTBES on instagram.  You can see more beautiful pieces from their range [HERE].

If you make contact on Instagram @british_jewellery_gtbes you can work together to personalise your design.  The process is fun and the outcome is very rewarding.

I ordered the anxiety bracelet for my close friend who has been experiencing high levels of anxiety and I had a bracelet designed using rose quartz for another friend who wants to bring more unconditional love into her life. We also created a bracelet called “Jungle Sacrifice” for myself, based on my favourite colours.

So why not think about what you would like to heal or attract into your life and

Create your own beautiful bracelets to help you on your path


Photography by MDH and Fagun Mishra
  • Annette
    Posted at 23:20h, 25 May Reply

    Beautiful…what a lovely idea..

  • furtdsolinopv
    Posted at 06:35h, 06 June Reply

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